Image of Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Monitoring Jasa Pengiriman Barang Pada PT. Pos Indonesia SPP Bandung


Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Monitoring Jasa Pengiriman Barang Pada PT. Pos Indonesia SPP Bandung

Listanti Rosyasih (16160112), Information System Management and Monitoring Freight Services At PT. Pos Indonesia SPP Bandung.

Delivery of goods at PT. Pos Indonesia SPP Bandung International Post division still has constraints in the process of processing data delivery items. The process of management data items that still use the book media, then the report is re-input using Microsoft Excel application so that often occurs the difference in data that causes information delivery reports have not been optimal which causes errors during the process of delivery of goods. This study the authors make the design of management information systems and monitoring services delivery of goods at PT. Pos Indonesia SPP Bandung based computer where the system uses a website-based applications. The system can verify the shipment of goods subject to tax by using email, in addition the system can record the data delivery data items to minimize the occurrence of data errors. The author conducted data collection methods with interviews, observations and literature study. As for software development, the author uses the waterfall method. System information delivery reports using goods verification email this can simplify the process of data management to be more accurate and timely so as to minimize errors in the process of delivery of goods.

Keywords: Information System Management and Monitoring, Delivery of goods, Verification Email



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